i know nothing about frontend development
2 min read

it never fails: every time i work to launch a new blog or website, and attempt to build it myself, i realize how absolutely little i know about front end development. every single time. building bots and servers is one thing. making functional pretty pages is something else entirely.
huge shoutout to all the frontend devs out there. i am not one of them.
i am, however, willing to learn. i just started running this blog on Hashnode, and used their starter kit to operate a frontend i can modify to my liking.
truth be told, as i tinker with this, i largely expect this site—my frontend here—to get a whole lot uglier before it starts to look pretty. i have to learn react. i have to learn next. i have to learn frontend routing and all that shit. and then i have to somehow make a functional, useful site out of it.
i’ll start by learning react. while i’m learning, i’ll update the parts of this frontend that i know how to do. like clear out unnecessary links in the footer, and add links i want.
i’ll also work on adding a subscription page, since Hashnode’s CMS provides built-in newsletter functionality. in the future, i’ll build a discord bot that can deliver blog updates to discord servers. that part should be simple enough, but i want to get a better handle on what i’m doing here on the front page first.
anyway, if you made it this far, thanks for reading through my rambling. i’ll pop in with updates as i make changes. any and all suggestions and advice is welcome.
other projects i’m working on
an instance of AnythingLLM with Ollama as the NLP provider, packed up as a docker compose file. give it a spin if you’re interested. feedback is appreciated
header designed by L V N Λ C Y // background photo by Uljana Borodina on Unsplash